Monday, December 18, 2023

Book of Mormon Null Hypothesis 2022-07

Usually whenever non member is investigating the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the investigator will be given the Book of Mormon to read.  The reader is encouraged to follow Moroni’s promise in 10:3-5 on the truthfulness of the  Book of Mormon.  I have always wondered why Moroni 10:4 states "if these things are not true" instead of "if these things are true".  Many people have stated in testimonies, etc. that they have prayed " if the Book of Mormon is true", but that is the opposite to the Moroni 10:4 statement.

One must remember that the title page of the Book of Mormon states “Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile.”  Moroni saw the people who the Book of Mormon was written for.  Moroni last frame of reference is the state of unbelief of the Laminates and Nephites in Moroni chapters 8,9.  These people were in a fallen, degenerate state and willing to kill without feeling.  

Moroni knew that non believing people’s baseline belief would be that the Book of Mormon is NOT true.  There would be a wide spectrum of non believers approaches to the Book of Mormon.  Some will be prejudiced by being blinded by the craftiness of men.  Some, without even opening it, will directly attack and mock believers of the Book of Mormon. Generally, many will just show no interest at all.  Even so, there will be some with an open mind that will pursue to actually read the  Book of Mormon. 

Moroni knew the reader's thoughts and asked the question that a non-believer would think. Unless the Book of Mormon is proven true beyond any shadow of doubt, there is no reason the non believer would do anything but ignore the book for naught.  

Moroni’s  statement is very similar to how a statistician would state a null hypothesis/alternative hypothesis statement.

From a non-believer reader’s perspective, 

The null hypothesis would be

H0:   The Book of Mormon is not True

The alternative hypothesis would be

Ha:   The Book of Mormon is True

From a statistical standpoint, a null hypothesis is accepted as true until enough evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, can be obtained to refute the null hypothesis and prove the alternative hypothesis as true (at some confidence level). The null hypothesis cannot be proven true, only the alternative. Therefore, Moroni was correct, from a statistical standpoint, of posing the null hypothesis (the Book of Mormon is not true) as a beginning and then allowing the reader to gain enough evidence for himself to refute that position and prove the alternative, that the Book of Mormon is true.  (written by Andrew Allen, Brigham City

If the non believer continues on and does as Moroni states “if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.” The non believer will have proof that the Book of Mormon is true.  Interesting that the definition of the word “manifest is 1) to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly:  or 2) to prove; put beyond doubt or question follows closely to the wording of a alternative hypothesis proof. 

Hopefully, this Book of Mormon Null Hypothesis approach will help to better understand  "if these things are not true" statement (at least by a statistician)

Book of Mormon Testimony 2021-05

My testimony that the Book of Mormon is true is a different path than most, but nevertheless I know the Book of Mormon is true.

Before I was baptized, I had read most of the Book of Mormon, but initially my decision to be baptized was based that Christ’s church would have the authority and power to represent Christ. I believed that there had been an apostasy followed by restoration. Joseph Smith was a prophet and had these priesthood authority and keys that has been restored by John the Baptist, Peter, etc. Joseph Smith has passed these authority and keys down through the latter day prophets.

I had read and studied the Book of Mormon several times since my baptism. I have had many spiritual impressions as I have read the Book of Mormon. I noticed as I read the Book of Mormon my life would be blessed. I would be more at peace. I observed that good things would start happening to me that coincides when I started reading the Book of Mormon l.

I hadn’t formally ever prayed to ask “if these things are not true” in Moroni 10:4 because I didn’t feel the need. I knew the Book of Mormon was true already. Although I didn’t formally pray, there is one spiritual impression that I had strongly “manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost”

During the winter of 2011-2012 (I didn’t record the exact date😔), I was walking by myself in Green Canyon, Cache County, Utah began listening to 1st Nephi at the beginning. As I was walking back to my car and just about to finish 1st Nephi, my spiritual manifestation began.

At an instant, it seemed like I had gigantic information flow into my mind and I had absolute understanding of Book of Mormon. It seemed like a firehose of information was flowing into my mind, yet I comprehended everything. I was amazed that I could understand everything so clearly. My intelligence seemed to be magnified infinitely. I felt the spirit and overcome with amazement and awe. I felt gratitude for the experience with tears in my eyes.

At an instant later, the manifestation left me including the intellectual capacity and most of all my understanding. I was surprised how little I remembered or understand from the event. I wanted to remember it all, but couldn’t. I still remember where I was walking in Green Canyon.

One thing I do remember is the structural outline of the Book of Mormon.
  1. Lehi’s dream (1st Nephi 8) is the overarching thesis statement
  2. Nephi’s vision (1st Nephi 11-15) is the doctrinal support of the thesis statement
  3. Remainder of 1st Nephi is the application of thesis statement.

The experience was similar to D&C76:12 “By the power of the Spirit our eyes were opened and our understandings were enlightened, so as to see and understand the things of God—“

Within a few months of this spiritual experience, I was ordained a High Priest and later called be in a counselor in a YSA bishopric.

Testimony 2021-01

 Two conversion stories.  First, the easier one, the mind

I was raised Roman catholic. I studied and decided to be baptized based on simple faith that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint has the authority of priesthood whereas Roman Catholic Church had lost that authority via apostasy.

I have since learned that the true church is more than the just the priesthood authority.  The true church has the authority through divinely given priesthood keys.  This priesthood has power. This power source is through our righteous connection to God via prayer and fasting. 

I testify that in a grove in New York in 1820 that Joseph Smith saw and conversed with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  The true and living church has been restored and led by prophets.  President Nelson is a great example of prophet preparing us for these uncertain COVID times with the recent changes

Through the sacrament we have just taken, we all can His Spirit with us.  I have had several instances where I have received revelation or felt the Holy Ghost.  These instances are anchors to my faith that I cannot deny.

As I read the Bible especially the New Testament, I notice that it is fragmented and incomplete. As I read the Book of Mormon, it is profoundly evident that the Book of Mormon is revelation from God to us in these latter days. The Book of Mormon is my favorite source for understanding the atonement.  In general, my understanding of scripture has developed but it is clear to me there is still much to learn from these sacred words. I doubt that I have understanding a millionth of the truths of those works

I have caught the vision of family history and temple work.  As a convert, I been blessed to be able to do part of the work for tens of thousands of people.  I look forward to meeting the saints, my family, ancestors and friends at the grand and glorious reunion at the morning of the first resurrection. 

The second conversion is much more difficult.  The heart. I started as hard hearted man, but slowly seemly to be changing at a snail’s pace. 

I am grateful for all the righteous examples I have been around.  I have learned that righteousness is possible. I am especially grateful to my wife who is and will be my eternally fellowshiper. 

Slowly through obedience, sacrifice, and service, this hard-hearted natural man has slowly changed. 

Years ago, I can remember doing all I could to minimize the time for catholic church on Sunday.  After many years, I make efforts to keep all the sabbath day holy.  (I kind of miss the three-hour block)

Ministering (or home teaching) is great example how to break a heart.  The natural man is prideful and selfish with full of excuses not to serve.  Whenever I had visited home, I find the service is really easy. 

There are times this natural man has learned that I can’t do everything.  In fact, the things that I try to do are full of errors and mistakes.  When it seems that I am in control, I am not.  There are times that I am broken down and in acts of desperation, I am humbled to put my trust in God. 

I can tell there is some change of heart in me because I have become more sensitive to kindness, gratitude, compassion, empathy, mercy, and forgiveness.  Stories years ago, wouldn’t touch me, but now if I hear stories with those elements, I become tearful (like my story now)

When I become a fully broken-hearted person, then will I know my conversion is complete (or perfect).

When I die and come unto Jesus Christ, my living advocate and redeemer, I expect to be on my knees bowing for forgiveness.