Monday, May 24, 2010

Christmas Scripture Mismatch

One of the key purposes of the New Testament (and other scriptures) is to convince one that "Jesus is the Christ". One has to know the scriptures to know the prophecies on the Christ. One has to know who he is, what are his characteristics, etc. Then, one must determine if Jesus meets all the criteria. If Jesus meets all the requirements, then He is the Christ.

A time-line of Christ's life and shows New testament scriptures that are used to describe two time periods. (I am attempting to show it)

Time line:
1AD to 13AD _______________________ 30AD to 34 AD

Luke 1-3, Matthew1-2, partial 3__________ Everything else in Gospel

11 pages(6%)_______________________ 168 pages (94%)

Obviously, there is a mismatch of the emphasis the world puts on Christmas time, (lately Christmas is celebrated from October to December) versus what the scriptures considers important about Jesus Christ. Gospels John and Mark never mentioned his birth. Not to downplay Christmas time, but there is such a small percentage of the Gospel covering the time period of Christ's birth. Most of the gospel covers the key time of Christ's ministry, his crucifixion, and his resurrection. Nevertheless, 6 % of the gospel covers the 1AD to 13 AD time period and there are some important things.

There are prophecies about Christ and how those prophecies were fulfilled. Matthew used the words "that it might be fulfilled" alot to show this. As further evidence, Jesus had witnesses proclaiming that "Jesus is the Christ."

Prophecy _______________________ Fulfillment.
Son of David_________________________ Matthew 1, Luke 3 genealogies
Son of God (Isaiah 7:14)_________________ Matthew 1:21
Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)____________ Mathew 2:6, Luke 2:3
His star in the east (3 Nephi 1)____________ Matthew 2:2
Joseph/Mary/Jesus to Egypt (Hosea 11:1)____ Mathew 2:13-15
Bethlehem children murdered (Jermiah 40:1) _ Mathew 2:16-18
Christ is a Nazarene (Lost scripture?) _______ Mathew 2:23

Angelic Witnesses
Gabriel to Zacharias____________________ Luke 1:11-20
Gabriel to Mary_______________________ Luke 1:26-38
Angel to Joseph_______________________ Mathew 1:20-23

Angel to Sheperds______________________ Luke 2:9-14


Elizabeth to Mary______________________ Luke 1:41-45

Mary witness_________________________ Luke 1:46-55
Zacharias witness______________________ Luke 1:67-79
Sheperds to Mary, others_________________ Luke 2:15-20
Simeon in Temple______________________ Luke 2:25-34
Anna prophetess in Temple________________ Luke 2:36-37
Mary on 12 year old Jesus in the Temple_______ Luke 2:42-50

After discussing the fulfillment of the prophecies and witness, these 11 pages do much to establish that "Jesus is the Christ". Hopefully, this perspective gives fresh insight to the "Christmas story"

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