Monday, April 26, 2010

Second Coming of Christ will be "about 2010"

Based upon some assumptions in the Book of Mormon and the latter days, the Second Coming of Christ is speculated to be "about 2010."

The primary assumption is that the Book of Mormon is an exact type of the latter days. The Book of Mormon time from the preparation for the coming of Christ to the Appearance of Christ to the Nephites is the exact time from the preparation of second Coming of Christ to his Millennial appearance. The Book of Mormon preparation start time is Alma's baptism where the priesthood was renewed (Mosiah 18:13). The latter-day preparation start time is Joseph Smith Jr. baptism where the priesthood was restored (Pearl of Great Price; Joseph Smith History 1:68-72).

Based on this assumption, the Second Coming of Christ will be about 2010. The calculations for the data are shown below. One problem with this guess is that the date of Alma's baptism is imprecise. Therefore, the date of the Second Coming could vary plus or minus about 5 Years.

Book of Mormon preparation start time; Alma Baptism, Priesthood Renewed
Reference: Mosiah 18:13 and Mosiah 18:7 footnote
Date: about 147 BC
Book of Mormon appearance of Christ
Reference: 3 Nephi 11:8
Date: 34 AD
Exact Time Delta: about 181 years (147 BC + 34 AD with no "zero")

Latter Day preparation start time: Joseph Smith baptism, Priesthood Restored
Reference: Joseph Smith-History 1:68-72
Date: 15 May 1829

Second Coming

Latter Day preparation start time plus Book of Mormon exact time delta
about the year 2010 (15 May 1829 + about 181 years)

Perhaps with the uncertainty, there may some time for all us to be better prepared!

You need two things in this life to succeed

You need two things in this life to succeed:
1. Talents
2. Sponsor.

Talents meaning knowledge, training, skills, wisdom, etc. helps one to perform the job. Sponsor provides the authority, means, support, etc. to perform the job. One can be the most talented person for the job, but without a sponsor, one would NOT have the job. In contrast, one could have a sponsor with essentially no talents and one would have the job. A sponsor always "trumps" talents!

The sponsor may pick someone with inferior talent, but this condition is short term and not sustainable.  Either the task is performed poorly by the inferior person, the inferior person improves performance, or the task is performed by someone else.  No organization can survive competitively with inferior talent. 

This rule applies to most application.

I wondered if this rule applied to things spiritual. After all, the Lord is not political and has no favorites.

I thought of the sacrament prayer.
"77 O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen. "

If we live these covenants below
1." that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son"
2. "witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, "
a. "that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son"
b. "always remember him"
c. "keep his commandments which he has given them"

Then we will have the Holy Ghost as our Sponsor!
"that they may always have his Spirit to be with them."

If we have the Holy Ghost as our "sponsor", then we have the ultimate sponsor in our earthly life. The Holy Ghost "trumps" all sponsors in this world.

We can't play politics with the Holy Ghost. We can't deceive the Holy Ghost if we haven't done our part in the covenant.